
3 June 2013

Let's Learn Dusun Language

Hey peeps! Have you ever heard about The Dusuns and their language? Dusun is one of the native tribe residing in Sabah, formerly known as North Borneo. I myself is a Dusun. Both mom and dad are Dusun as well. Talking about Dusun, I myself started to apply more Dusun language in my daily conversation when i was 13 years old. During my Primary School, i often use Malay in my daily conversation with everyone and sometimes English especially with my mom.

Anyway, i know i am not a total expert in this language but i wish to share with you all about Dusun language. It's sad to know that only few percentage of the Dusuns can actually understand and speak this language. To be exact, kids these days doesn't apply Dusun language in their daily conversation anymore especially families that lives in the city or urban area. They tend to use more English in their conversation. To me, our language is our heritage. It's going to die if we didn't put our effort in keeping it alive by teaching the youngsters about this language.

Alright, i guess enough with the introduction and such. I'm calling all of you especially the Dusuns that doesn't understand this language to start learning your mother tongue language. Don't be afraid or shy to apply this language in your conversation especially with the elders for they are not looking at how bad your Dusun language is because what matter most is that you tried.

If you're an expert in Dusun language, please let me know if i am making any mistakes here aite! I appreciate it. Thank you very much.

Come! Let's start with the basic greetings and conversations!

English : How are you?
Malay : Apa khabar?
Dusun : Nunu habar nu?

English : I'm Fine.
Malay : Khabar Baik.
Dusun :  Osonong. (Osonong means 'good' or 'fine' so it could be use in different situation too)

English : Thank You!
Malay : Terima Kasih!
Dusun : Pounsikou! ('Kounsikahan' - Depends on the situation)

English : Good morning!
Malay : Selamat Pagi!
Dusun : Osonong Kosuabon!

English : Good Afternoon!
Malay : Selamat Tengahari!
Dusun : Osonong Tanga'dau! (Some Dusun use "Tanga'dou" or "Tinga'dau" - Depends on the location)

English : Good Evening!
Malay : Selamat Petang!
Dusun : Osonong Sodopon!

English : Good Night!
Malay : Selamat Malam!
Dusun : Osonong Totuong!

English : Sorry.
Malay : Maaf.
Dusun : Siou. (Can be used as "Excuse Me" too)

English : Forgive Me.
Malay : Maafkan Saya.
Dusun : Moki Maap Oku.


  1. hi sumandak dusun sabah ..
    though this was just come across your mind, it was useful to others who really wanted to learn our language even you posted only a few words ..

    i think you a good girl that wanted our nation to be a better place to live, to make our Sabahan ethnic known to the world, and there's supposed to be our ethnic language too in google translate ..

    keep up your good works, and thanks for blogging about learning our ethnic language..
    my girlfriend from oversea found this blog of you because she do really wanted to learn our ethnic language .. hehe :)

    even it was only a few words, but it is really meaningful ..

    pounsikou kio mandak.. isai gia sumandak diti? osonong da kopiambalut kito om kopirurumo montok pogun tokou Sabah ..

    we are Borneon, not Malaysian..

    Malaya was an extremely liar under the name of Malay-sia ..

    1. Hi there tompinai Alfred. Thanks for your comment and of course, thanks for reading my blog. Do send my regards to your gf too. I haven't post anything new here just yet but will definitely add a new one as soon as i manage to gather new information. >.<

      Actually, my main reason to start blogging about our mother tongue language is because of my bf. Haha! He's Malaysia of course but he's Chinese. So far, he can only memorize certain words but hopefully he'll learn more from time to time. I feel bad for him when he come to my kampung because all of my family speak Dusun. Even my 3 yo and 4 yo nieces speak Dusun. Haha!

      Miagal om pounsikou kumaa dikoyu kadau. Iti noh tinungkusan tokou. :)

      Yes, and i proudly admit that i am a Sabahan. Aiseh.. :)

    2. I mean Malaysian. Sarawakian Chinese. :)

  2. trimakasih infonya sangat,,
    berguna sekali,,

  3. Osonong noti blog nu dii oii!

  4. I couldn't find the meaning of mother in Dusun Sabah language

  5. Wauu.. Osonong kopio iti info; teruskan usaha kio...
