
11 November 2013

Let's Learn Dusun Language IV

We meet again dear readers! Well, today let's talk about human body parts shall we? I'm sorry i didn't add translation in Malay due to the limited space but i believe you guys can tell which one i'm talking about since this one comes with image. Please take note that even though Dusun people speak Dusun, it doesn't mean that all the words are the same. Sometimes there are more than one translation in Dusun for the same meaning. For example, 'Rain' - In certain area such as Kota Belud, they call it 'Rasam', yet in other places such as Ranau, they call it 'Darun' but basically both are correct.

I've obtained image for this lesson from so if you guys want to check it out, please feel free to do so. If you're serious about learning Dusun language, it will be great if you can memorise each names of the human body parts as it might be very useful sometimes. I'm sorry i have to censor certain parts of the image but you guys know which one i'm referring to isn't it? So, here we go!

Names of Human Body Parts (English - Dusun)


  1. Nice site Takuya. Spanish, FrenchAre there any grammars available for Busun? I can read Spanish, French, German, in a pinch Italian.

    1. Hello there Jeffry. Definitely but I only do English and Malay translation of Dusun here. I understand a little bit of Spanish but not good at it.

  2. It's nice to see that you're trying to extend the use of Dusun internationally :D
    Yes, I'm a Dusun myself. Such a shame I only recognise a few words, given that my first languages are English and a weirdly-accented Malay, lol.

    Just wanted to point out that what you called "word differences" are, in fact, "dialectal differences".

    Anyways, do you seem to know any helpful resources where I could start off my adventure of learning Dusun online? (Yes, it should be fine in Malay and to reply in Malay too!)

    Wakami Hogo

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