Alright peeps, let's go to more questions. In this post, we will do some questions and answers. Don't worry, we'll start with something basic and short so that it will be easier for you to catch up. Anyway, before we continue, there's something i need to tell you guys. There are many types of Dusun. For example; we have Dusun Tindal, Dusun Kimaragang, Dusun Tangara, Dusun Liwan and some more. Usually Dusuns from different villages, towns and cities have their own dialect and slang. I'll take example from my village and the neighbouring villages. I can tell a person came from which village by his/ her dialect. Will you be surprised if i tell you that we can even hear rhymes when these people start talking? :)
Anyway, let's get started!
Q : (E) What is your name?
(M) Siapa nama anda?
(D) Isai ngaran nuh?
A : (E) My name is _______.
(M) Nama saya ialah _______.
(D) Ngaran ku nopo nga _______.
Q : (E) Where are you from?
(M) Anda dari mana?
(D) Hombo tadon nuh?
A : (E) I'm from _____.
(M) Saya dari _____.
(D) Mantad oku'd _____.
Q : (E) How old are you?
(M) Berapa umur anda?
(D) Piro toun nuh? (Please take note, this question can be used as 'how many years' as well; depending on the conversation you're having)
A : (E) _____ years old.
(M) _____ tahun.
(D) _____ toun. (It is much easier answering as simple as this)
Q : (E) What are you doing?
(M) Anda sedang buat apa?
(D) Nunu ma'an nuh? (You can also use 'mangan' tu replace ma'an)
A : (E) I'm doing nothing.
(M) Saya tidak buat apa-apa.
(D) Aiso ma'an ku'd tih. OR Aiso nunu-nunu ma'an ku'd tih. (ma'an OR mangan can be used)
A : (E) Something.
(M) Ada lah.
(D) Haro(ooo) noh. (Sabahan people tend to 'pull' certain vowel. Whether it's short or long, it will determine the meaning of the words)
There's a lot of answers to this question depending on what exactly are you doing at that time. When i mention about 'pulling' a vowel; it is very common among Sabahan whether they are speaking English, Malay, Dusun or any other languages in Sabah. However it depends on certain words.
For example;
(E) Oooover there.
(M) Saaaana.
(D) Hiiiiilo. (Pronounce as hee - lo)
The longer the vowel is 'pulled', the farther the subject is. It's like Hilo as not far; Hiilo as far; Hiiilo as very far and Hiiiiiilo as very very very far.